Franklin Hayes

Interests: Maritime History, Nautical Antiques, Storytelling

Franklin Hayes is a retired sailor with a fascination for nautical antiques. He enjoys sharing his knowledge about maritime history and the stories behind various nautical items.

Articles By This Author

Antiques Consignment Near Me: A Handy Guide to Getting the Most from Your Treasures
Antiques Consignment Unique Antiques Antiques Near Me

Antiques Consignment Near Me: A Handy Guide to Getting the Most from Your Treasures

Explore the fascinating world of antiques consignment with Route 66 West! Our comprehensive guide delves into the benefits, practical tips for choosing the right consignment shop, and how to maximize profits. We also discuss the rise of online consignment shops and the importance of appraisal. Dive in to uncover the potential of your treasures!

Armadillo Antiques: Uncovering the Mystique of Vintage Treasures
Cornerstone Antiques Unique Antiques

Armadillo Antiques: Uncovering the Mystique of Vintage Treasures

Unearth the allure of vintage treasures with our deep-dive into their history, craftsmanship, and charm. Join us on a journey through time with 'Armadillo Antiques' and explore the captivating world of Route 66 West - a haven for antique enthusiasts. Engage with the past, today.